Wellbeing & Benefits
Workplace Culture
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Wellbeing & Benefits
Workplace Culture
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Nisha Ramchandani
Humanise is One
Sometimes life gives you only one opportunity to do something you love, that can make an impact and can also bring you meaningfully close to strangers on the internet. To me, Humanise is that single opportunity.
Wellbeing & Benefits
The Future of Work - is Piecemeal & Contractual
Why is it that only a certain kind of work or workers get benefits for doing their job and a certain kind don't get rewarded anything extra? Should organisations be responsible for people who don't belong?
Workplace Culture
No More Dress Code, Please…
I will confess I love clothes. But what I like better is comfortable clothes.
Wellbeing & Benefits
Go On, Take that Day-Off
Do you hesitate to take leave? Do you feel the need to jump through hoops in order to enjoy the leave your job entitles you to? Do companies benefit when their employees don’t take time off?
Wellbeing & Benefits
The Sin of Good Intent
Many companies talk about ‘mental wellness’, ‘burnout’, ‘resilience’, ‘empathy’, ‘employee wellbeing’ but rarely if ever, walk the talk when it comes down to it. This is the sin of good intent.
Workplace Culture
Your Team is Not Your Family
Here are a few suggestions on team analogies that work best.